Sundays at 12noon
We offer both an in-person and on-line Worship Service each Sundays at 12 noon. You are invited to gather with us in the main sanctuary. The one-hour service presents uplifting Christian music, scripture readings, prayers and community announcements. Rev. A. Russell Awkard, our Pastor, an associate minister or a guest preacher delivers a biblical message.
Those who prefer the hybrid worship experience may join us online here at the church’s web page. Facebook LIVE also carries the service at “New Zion Louisville” and afterwards.
Wednesdays at 7pm
GOD IN THE HEADLINES is a weekly conversation with the Bible applied to current events and Christian living. Open to all, sessions are led by Pastor Awkard or by another minister or member of the congregation.
Join the chat — online or by phone, Wednesday at 7pm.
ONLINE: Press this web link:
Meeting ID: 349 056 7837 / Password: 121011
BY PHONE: Dial (toll free):
+1 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 349 056 7837 / Password: 121011

A. Russell Awkard
Pastor of New Zion Baptist Church
Since October 1972, Rev. A. Russell Awkard has been the Pastor of New Zion Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky.

Each one must give as he has decide in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, For God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7